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2:02 p.m. - Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2005
Let it Go...
The following is a meditation that I use myself, and that sometimes comes up as a suggestion from Spirit during my psychic readings.

Let it Go...Meditation for Cutting Energy Cords

Do you often find yourself feeling drained or lacking in energy? Is there someone that you just can�t seem to get over or stop thinking about no matter how much you try to let them go? Or how about those folks at work who just seem to drain the life out of you?
Did you know that you have invisible cords of energy going from you to other people and from them to you?
Unless you use meditation to sever them, you have energy cords attached to you that you do not need. You cannot get rid of something if you are not even aware that it exists.
The cords can be from a number of different sources - from all kinds of past relationships; family, lovers, friends, co-workers.
Often these cords keep us 'attached' to unhealthy emotions and energy from our past, to people we thought we had let go, or they follow us home from the daily grind. Until we consciously let them go, we are unable to free ourselves and move forward to our full potential.
If you would like to release these energy cords, then practicing the following meditation will help you. You can either read it and get an idea how it works and then do it on your own, or you can tape record the following and play it back to walk yourself through the meditation. You can try doing this exercise as you lie in bed and drift off to sleep at night.
The most important thing to remember when starting a meditation is to be comfortable. Loosen tight clothes, ensure that you are sitting or lying back comfortably and that there are no outside influences to interrupt you.
Breathe very deeply. After a few breaths, imagine that you are breathing out any negativity, breathe out anything that is old and does not serve you any more. As you breathe in, imagine that you are breathing in fresh, new and clean enlightening energy, into your body.
Then work on feeling each part of your body, from your toes to your head. Imagine each part of your body working as it is meant to and being healthy and sound. Become very aware of your body and yourself, relaxing......
Now imagine all the cords of energy going from you to others and back again. Surround yourself with the universal white light, know that you are protected. Now, it is time for you to cut the cords that you no longer need. When cutting the cords, you can imagine cutting them with scissors or a knife. Alternatively, you can ask for help from the Archangel Michael. Imagine him cutting the cords with his mighty sword. Imagine all those, unnecessary cords surrounding your body, your legs, your back, your arms, being severed. If you ask for help, be sure to give him thanks for the assistance you receive.
While cutting the cords, cut them with love. Anger will not help you here. Realize that each and every one of us is just a soul on this earth, here to live and learn and do the best we can. The people that we need to let go of are here for their own reasons, and we are here for ours. In this exercise, we are simply just letting go of their energies, we are not judging them.
Work on this for as long as you feel you need to. If you have gone "deep" in the meditation and you are lying in bed you may even fall asleep, this is okay.
You may need to do this meditation every night for two weeks, two months or even longer......the point is to release any and all energies that you do not need. Release with love.
Often when we release someone's energy they actually feel it. They may not know what it is they are feeling, they just feel a lack of something (your energy). Sometimes they will even call you or send an e-mail to see how you are doing. This is fine, just don't get drawn back into the negative exchange of energy. Do not use this meditation in the hopes that someone will call you, it doesn't work that way. All that will do is keep their energy attached to you. If you try to use the meditation in that way then you are not truly letting go of the energy.
Remember, let go � with love.

For more info about me or my
psychic readings visit my website.

Copyright � 2005 [Tamara Hawk]. All rights reserved.

4:48 p.m. - Monday, Dec. 05, 2005
My bio
I have a lot of people asking about me, how old I am, how long I have been doing readings and things like that.
I thought I would take this opportunity to do a brief BIO of myself for those of you that are interested.
I was born in June 1966. I am a Cancerian, Libra rising, moon in Virgo etc etc etc.
I have a wonderful family. Both my family in my home and my extended family.
Sean is my very supportive SO (he puts up with all my visions and feelings).
Jake is my son - he was born in August 2000.
I live in British Columbia, Canada which is on the West Coast (PST).
I have been psychic and have been in contact with Spirit my entire life.
For more info on me,

Copyright � 2005 [Tamara Hawk]. All rights reserved.

7:05 p.m. - Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2005
How did you know you were psychic and at what age?
Well, from what I hear from my family I saw and knew things as a child. I don�t really remember specifics. I do remember though that I had many friends that I played with that no one else saw.

It may be important to note that there are many psychics in my family. My maternal grandmother saw many things, my aunt is psychic like me, my mother sees and knows things but doesn�t acknowledge it all that much, and my sister also sees people and is an awesome animal communicator (her whole life revolves around her animals and always has).

Even before I even thought about the possibility of being �psychic� my sister and I would play �psychic games' for fun. I remember doing this all through my school years. We were not well off so we shared a bedroom right up to the time we both left home. We had bunk beds and used to take turns �guessing� what the other was thinking of.

I remember during those years that occasionally �someone� (a spirit) would be around. One particular night I said to my sister �do you see that?�
She said �the old man by the closet door with the hat?�
I said, �yeah the hat with all the fishing flies�
She said �Nope, don�t see him� and I said �me neither�, things like that made us nervous, not scared though, it was common in our family.
This happened quite frequently to us but I still never thought of myself as psychic, I wasn�t the only one seeing them after all.

It was so �normal� for my family. I was raised to be totally accepting of souls and visions etc. so I never really thought of myself as being �psychic�. In my mind, I just saw what was right there & figured that anyone could see it if only they were open to it.

When I was 15 my aunt was living out of town. She came for a visit one day and asked me to do a �reading� for her using psychometry (holding an object and getting impressions). I told her that it was her and my sister that did that, not me!

She insisted that I try it to humor her. She remembered what I saw and did as a child and she knew the things that I took for granted as just being there, were not �normal�. So I tried it. I saw things and talked for over an hour � got kind of lost in the moment and what I was seeing.

After I was done, she told me that she had just been to see a psychic before coming into town and apparently I told her all the same things that the psychic had - and more.

For the next 10 years I proceeded to practice and dazzle my friends in high school and then later the local pub with my ability to hold one of their objects and see things about them. It got to the point in the pub when I was older that I couldn�t walk in without someone coming over and asking me something. After a time, I realized that I didn�t really need to hold anything of theirs. I found that I would start to get visions, or information or whatever you want to call it, the minute that they walked over with the intention of asking me a question. This rather baffled me because I was very used to having the �crutch� of holding an object. I was also concerned that if I let on that I could see things without holding an object that people would start being afraid to talk to me.

Then I started to have spirits come in while I was talking to people. I tried to mostly ignore them for a long time, but occasionally one would come through that would not go away until I mentioned them to the person I was sitting with. By this time, most of the people around me knew what I did so it wasn�t overly disturbing to them when I told them that someone was there who had something they wanted to say.

It was at this point that I realized I had a gift that I could not ignore.

To see my website and find out more about me and my readings go to

Copyright � 2005 [Tamara Hawk]. All rights reserved.

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