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6:26 p.m. - Monday, Jul. 24, 2006
What's Up With This?
I was watching the news on Global just now. I really wonder what is up with the state of our world these days.
One of the top stories was about a woman in Las Vegas who had been feeding homeless people for years. She was in a park and had what looked like fairly nourishing food, with fresh fruits and everything.
These people clearly needed her help, and they said so. God bless this woman and her kindness.
Unfortunately.....this wasn't just a nice human interest story of one person helping others. Turns out the story was about how Las Vegas has just passed a bylaw that makes it illegal for this woman to feed homeless people. The city counsellors say that they will feed them with soup kitchens and that she can be fined up to $1000 for feeding them. Unbelieveable.

On to the next story. This one is closer to home for me, up in B.C. We have had quite the heatwave here for the past while. They are using words like 'drought', which I suppose is a appropriate word since we have barely had rain this July. Well, they first talk to one fellow who is growing potatoes. He has to irrigate his fields at a cost of $3000 per day. He had to buy an additional piece of equipment at a cost of $40,000 to irrigate a larger part of his field. Then the screen flips to the next farmer that they are talking to. Here is a vegetable farmer that cannot afford to water his entire crops, so he has to decide which ones to water, and which ones to let go. How sad is that???

Here are these men, who in this day and age have decided to work hard at farming (and it is hard work), a job that not a lot of people aspire to lately.
They have such a super important job. They are feeding people here! If they were not there what the heck would we be eating.
Now there would be a worthy cause for the government to step up and help to water the crops.

So in one short newscast I learn it is illegal to feed the poor, and no one cares that the precious food that we might have available right here, is worthless to government and the powers that be --- they aren't going to go broke because a field dries up. Nor will they go hungry because a field dries up. They have the money to get whatever type of food they want from where ever.

I pray that one day we will live in a society where it really is okay to take care of each other.

Copyright � 2006 [Tamara Hawk]. All rights reserved.

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