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12:15 p.m. - Saturday, Nov. 11, 2006
What is your Perspective?

I was watching Oprah yesterday, which I do sometimes, and she had "Stories of Survival" on there.
It was very interesting. Everyone on the show talked about having an 'instinct' or 'knowing' that something was wrong. Yet more proof that we ALL have the abiltity to 'tap in' to our own psychic awareness.

One of the things I found the most interesting, was the story of actress Gabrielle Union. When she was 19 and worked in a shoe store, she was raped.
While she was telling her story, she said she was "lucky", many many times.
Perspective can be a HUGE thing in life. Rather than focus on the negative of what happend to her, she was able to see all the ways that she was lucky.
A lot of people focus only on the negative of any situation. Even good situations can be seen as negative by some. In this case, a negative situation had a lot of positive aspects to it.
I believe we all have a choice to see the world the way we want to.
Do you want to see the world and the events in it as "negative" or as "positive".
The choice is up to you......

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