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1:47 p.m. - Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2006
How many of us see things that we simply don't talk about?
We were sitting at the dinner table a couple of weeks ago (Oct 26), and I was talking to my son who is 6. I saw line of energy above his head, just appeared there for a few seconds and then was gone.

It was about 2 feet long and was a little wider in the middle. When it disappeared again, it reminded me of the very old televisions, the ones where when you turned them off they got this white line that went outward to both sides of the screen and then kind of sucked into itself, made a dot in the middle of the screen and was gone.

Things like this happen frequently around here and my family is used to me chatting about things I'm seeing, or 'getting' (don't really want to say 'hearing', wouldn't want you to all think I'm nuts LOL).

Anyway, I'm telling my awesome other half about it, and my son says "I see those all the time, in my room after you tuck me in and leave".

Now, I know that my son has a lot of my gifts. He is very much a 'textbook example' of a Crystal child - except, like his mom, he started talking early and hasn't stopped talking since.

Anyway, I just said "Oh" and let him continue. He told me that he does not see them when I am in the room. It is only after I leave that they appear. I asked him if they were "on the walls", wanting to make sure it wasn't a play of the light through the blinds.

He told me with a lot of certainty that, no, they were floating around, and not on the walls. He also told me that there was a circle underneath them, kind of in the middle.

He told me he wasn't really afraid of them or anything, just that they were there. Funny how with certain things, kids just take for granted that everyone else feels and sees what they do. Its not until they get older do they realize that not everyone sees these things.

I think there are a lot more of "us" out there than we realize. There are a lot of people who just don't feel like they can share this type of thing without being told they are lying or crazy.

There's a whole lot of people out there, young and old, who deny seeing things like this, or push them away once they hit school age and just simply forget about them, until who knows when. Sometimes forever I suppose.

I think its time for us to stop hiding, don't you?

Copyright � 2006 [Tamara Hawk]. All rights reserved.

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